Looking for staff members to help the development of the game!



  • Musicians/Composers
  • Backround and tile spriters
  • Character spriters
  • Sound designers/Voice actors
  • Programmers
  • Requirements and specifics



    We want our project to be accesible for everyone,fun to work on for us AND you! So we have some rules and blacklists of who are we NOT letting work on our project

  • People associated with hate groups, such as homophobia, antireligion, racism, ableism, nazism and so on.
  • Groups such as Maps, Groomers or Proshippers, Zoophiles, or any sort of freaks
  • You must be fun to be around and be nice to everyone, we dont tolerate aggresive people
  • Leakers
  • Stubborn people who cant cooperate
  • If we find out you are one of these options we will have no other choice but to kick you out for the safety and comfort of us and others.